my priorities for AI in health

Dagstuhl Seminar 2025

Wouter van Amsterdam, MD PhD


post-deployment monitoring and evidence

  • want safe and effective AI
  • EU / FDA work on regulating post-deployment monitoring

AI deployment as an intervention

When accurate prediction models yield harmful self-fulfilling prophecies

How this can go wrong if we misalign the AI evaluation metric and the patient oucome

Patterns, 2025

why is it hard:

  • AI deployment is an intervention, knowing whether this improved outcomes for patients is causal inference (Joshi et al. 2025)
  • before-after comparison plagued by potential time-trends
  • optimal pre-deployment evidence: (cluster) RCT
  • after deployment: changes in the data
    • by the deployment (that was what we wanted)
    • and many other factors.
  • measures of prediction accuracy do not automatically translate in patient benefit (van Amsterdam et al. 2025)


  • what to track after deployment?
    • accuracy, outcomes
  • how to track after deployment?
    • randomization on center level: need many centers (possible in large health systems in the US?);
    • randomization on patient label: need consent
  • ethics in randomization; who provides consent?
  • combine AI + causal inference + trial design + ethics

prediction under intervention

Prediction-under-intervention, why work on it?

Prediction under intervention is estimating expected outcomes under hypothetical interventions, conditional on patient characteristics

(aka counterfactual prediction)


this is not the fast road from computer science experiment to impact, but may be the most rewarding

  • why work on it? holy grail: know what to do

What is not prediction under intervention

Using QRISK to decide on blood pressure medication (which it’s not intended for)

Is QRISK bad?

  • is it inaccurate? no, it informs of the risk of an event given that the patient has blood pressure medication (post-decision model)
  • this is not the same as the risk if we were to give blood pressure medication or not
  • these are only the same when all factors going into the decision to given the blood pressure medication are accounted for (confounders, causal inference assumptions)

What is QRISK?

  • intended for deciding on statin treatment, excludes patients who have statins ‘on baseline’
  • is trained on patients of whom some recieced statins, reducing their risk of cardiovascular events
  • predicts risk of cardiovascular events under current standard of care
  • ‘a treatment-naive model’

Counseling with and without prediction under intervention

Imagine this dialogue between a patient who has just been diagnosed with cancer and their oncologist First, we’ll see a conversation informed by

  • RCT data
    • average outcomes (or contrast) between treatment \(A\) and \(B\)
  • non-causal prediction models:
    • predict outcome given features \(X\), ignoring effects of potential treatments (treatment-naive / average treatment policy)
    • predict outcome given features \(X\) and treatment \(T\), ignoring confounding by \(Z\) (post-decision models)

Oncologist: Your work-up is done, we now know your cancer type and stage

Patient: What is my prognosis?

Oncologist (treatment-naive model): on average, other patients who share characteristics X with you live … more years.

Patient: Is there a treatment you can give me to improve my prognosis?

Oncologist (RCTs): treatment A leads to several more months survival than treatment B on average, though some patients have severe side effects

Patient: And how long do patients live with treatment A?

Oncologist: The average patient in the randomized trial who got treatment A lived … years, but those patients were younger and in better overall health than you so their results may not apply to your specific case.

Patient: So how long do patients like me survive when they get treatment A?

Oncologist (post-decision model): Looking back, patients who share characteristics X with you and got treatment A lived … years. However, these patients may differ with respect to characteristics Z from you.

Patient: This is getting a bit confusing, should I or should I not get treatment A?

Oncologist: I know this is a very tough decision, but ultimately, it’s yours to make.

Now a conversation with prediction-under-intervention models

Oncologist: Your work-up is done, we now know your cancer type and stage

Patient: What is my prognosis?

Oncologist (prediction under intervention): That depends on the treatment we choose; patients like you would on average live … years on treatment A, versus … years on treatment B.

Patient: Thank you for this information. I will discuss this with my family and friends to decide what we think is best for me.

Prediction under intervention, why is it hard:

  • answer a causal question, often cannot do (big enough) experiment (RCT), need assumptions otherwise (confounding, positivity)
  • assumptions undermine trust; is it rigorous?
  • this holds for development and evaluations, cannot simply evaluate on held-out data
  • as with any AI deployment: a trial is best level of evidence
  • other forms of off policy evaluation possible (especially attractive when you have RCTs that randomized the treatments) (Uehara, Shi, and Kallus 2022)


  • key pieces of puzzle for personalized treatment
  • boom in causal inference interest, applications can improve


Joshi, Shalmali, Iñigo Urteaga, Wouter A C van Amsterdam, George Hripcsak, Pierre Elias, Benjamin Recht, Noémie Elhadad, et al. 2025. AI as an Intervention: Improving Clinical Outcomes Relies on a Causal Approach to AI Development and Validation.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, January, ocae301.
Uehara, Masatoshi, Chengchun Shi, and Nathan Kallus. 2022. “A Review of Off-Policy Evaluation in Reinforcement Learning.” arXiv.
van Amsterdam, W. A. C., Nan van Geloven, Jesse H. Krijthe, Rajesh Ranganath, and Giovanni Ciná. 2025. “When Accurate Prediction Models Yield Harmful Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.” Patterns.