Methods meeting at the Julius Center, UMC Utrecht
What can we expect from the model’s performance (if anything) in the new setting?
outcome | |||
1 | 0 | ||
prediction | 1 | true positives | false positives |
0 | false negatives | true negatives |
outcome | |||
1 | 0 | ||
prediction | 1 | true positives | false positives |
0 | false negatives | true negatives | |
sensitivity: TP / (TP+FN) | specificity: TN / (TN+FP) |
sensitivity: \(P(X=1 | Y=1)\), specificity: \(P(X=0 | Y=0)\)
note: sensitivity only requires data from the column of postive cases (i.e. \(Y=1\)), and specificity on negatives
event-rate: fraction of \(Y=1\) of total cases
in theory discrimination is event-rate independent (Hond 2023)
if we vary the threshold \(0 \leq \tau \leq 1\), we get a ROC curve, and the AUC is the area under this curve
“A model is said to be well calibrated if for every 100 patients given a risk of x%, close to x have the event.” (Van Calster and Vickers 2015)
\(p(Y=1|X)\) versus \(f(x)\)
In prediction, we have features \(X\) and outcome \(Y\) and model \(Y|X\)
1. \(X\) causes \(Y\): often in prognosis (\(Y\): heart-attack, \(X\): cholesterol and age)
2. \(Y\) causes \(X\): often in diagnosis (CVA, based on neurological symptoms)
3. \(Z\) causes both \(X\) and \(Y\): confounding (yellow fingers predict lung cancer)
Define a shift in case-mix a change in the marginal distribution of the cause variable, e.g.
\[\begin{align*} \label{eq:dgm-prognosis} \text{prognosis:} & & \text{diagnosis:} & \\ P_y &\sim \text{Beta}(\alpha_e,\beta_e) & y &\sim \text{Bernouli}(P_e) \\ x &= \text{logit}(P_y) & x &\sim N(y, 1) \\ y &\sim \text{Bernoulli}(P_y) & & \end{align*}\]
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