Causal Data Science Special Interest Group - Utrecht
Department of Data Science Methods, Julius Center, University Medical Center Utrecht
\[ \theta^* = \arg \min_{\theta} \sum_i^n ( f_{\theta}(x_i) - y_i )^2 \]
Hoping that
\[ \lim_{n \to \infty} f_{\theta^*} = E[Y|X] \]
\(y^0:=\) imaginative outcome if I don’t treat the patient
\[\begin{align} y^0 &= \mu_0 + \epsilon, \quad \epsilon \overset{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim} N(0,\sigma)\\ \end{align}\]
this formula together with distribution over error term gives rise to a distribution over the outcome when intervening on treatment (i.e. an interventional distribution)
\[ P(Y=y|\text{do}(T=0)) \]
\(y^0:=\) imaginative outcome if I don’t treat the patient
\(y^1:=\) imaginative outcome if I do treat
\[\begin{align} y^0 &= \mu_0 + \epsilon, \quad \epsilon \overset{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim} N(0,\sigma) \to &P(Y=y|\text{do}(T=0))\\ y^1 &= \mu_1 + \epsilon, \quad \epsilon \overset{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim} N(0,\sigma) \to &P(Y=y|\text{do}(T=1)) \end{align}\]
\[\begin{align} \text{treatment effect} &:= E[y^1] - E[y^0] = \mu_1 - \mu_0 \\ &:= E[Y|\text{do}(T=1)] - E[Y|\text{do}(T=0)] \end{align}\]
What if you cannot do a (big enough) RCT?
Emulate / approximate the ideal trial in observational data you do have, using causal inference techniques
(which rely on untestable assumptions)
causal inference
For example:
TRIPOD+AI on prediction models (collinsTRIPODAIStatement2024?)
“Their primary use is to support clinical decision making, such as … initiate treatment or lifestyle changes.”
This may lead to bad situations when:
building models for decision support without regards for the historic treatment policy is a bad idea
The question is not “is my model accurate before / after deploytment”, but did deploying the model improve patient outcomes?
\[\begin{align} E[Y|X] \class{fragment}{= E[E_{t~\sim \pi_0(X)}[Y|X,t]]} \end{align}\]
It may seem obvious that you should not ignore historical treatments in your prediction models, if you want to improve treatment decisions, but many of these models are published daily, and some guidelines even allow for implementing these models based on predictve performance only
because they do not evaluate the policy change
What to do?
What to do?
With causal inference!
Using cluster RCTs to evaluated models for decision making is not a new idea (Cooper et al. 1997)
“As one possibility, suppose that a trial is performed in which clinicians are randomized either to have or not to have access to such a decision aid in making decisions about where to treat patients who present with pneumonia.”
What we don’t learn
was the model predicting anything sensible?
Not a good idea
Hilden and Habbema on prognosis (Hilden and Habbema 1987)
“Prognosis cannot be divorced from contemplated medical action, nor from action to be taken by the patient in response to prognostication.”
What is the estimand?
using treatment naive prediction models for decision support
From algorithms to action: improving patient care requires causality (amsterdamAlgorithmsActionImproving2024?)
When accurate prediction models yield harmful sel-fulfilling prophecies (vanamsterdamWhenAccuratePrediction2024a?)
©Wouter van Amsterdam — WvanAmsterdam —