The difference between intervention and counterfactuals

causal inference

University Medical Center Utrecht


July 25, 2021


Sometimes there is confusion about the difference between counterfactual predictions and interventional predictions. According to the ladder of causation introduced by Pearl and presented in the ‘Book of Why’, interventional is rung 2 and counterfactuals are rung 3 (associations are rung 1). Models that predict the treatment effect for a new patient based on some covariates \(X\) require interventional models, not counterfactual. The difference between interventional and counterfactual models is relevant as counterfactual models require more assumptions, they require knowledge of the structural mechanisms. In words, the interventional question is “What is the expected outcome under treatment \(t\) given that we know \(X\)”, or “What is the expected difference in outcomes between treatment \(t\) and \(t'\) given that we know \(X\)”. The counterfactual question is “What would have been the outcome if we had given treatment \(t'\) given that we gave \(t\) and observed outcome \(y\)”.


To illustrate the difference between a counterfactual prediction and an interventional prediction (or conditional average treatment effect estimates), consider this very simple setup.

You have data from a randomized trial with two treatment arms \(t \in \{0,1\}\) and an outcome \(Y\) on a continuous scale. Denote \(Y_0\) the potential outcome under intervening on treatment \(t=0\) and \(Y_1\) the potential outcome under intervening on treatment \(t=1\). As we are dealing with data from a randomized trial, we can easily estimate the average treatment effect as \(E[Y_1 - Y_0] = E[Y|t=0] - E[Y|t=1]\), assuming consistency (ignorability and overlap are satisfied due to the study design).

A counterfactual question is: what would have been the outcome \(Y_0\) under treatment \(t=1\), given that we observed the outcome \(y_1\) under treamtent \(t=1\), so it is \(E[Y_0|Y=y_1, t=1]\).

Now assume that the data come from a mixture of Gaussians such that

\[y|t \sim (1 - t) \mathcal{N}(1,0.1^2) + t \mathcal{N}(10,2.5^2)\]

And \(p(t=1)=0.5\) so both arms are equally large. Treatment \(t=1\) leads to higher outcome but also more spread. The relevant interventional expectations are easily calculated by just calculating group means \(E[Y_0] = E[Y|t=0] = 1\), \(E[Y_1] = E[Y|t=1] = 10\).

Calculating the counterfactuals

To see that calculating counterfactuals requires more knowledge, namely of the structural equations, we now calculate the counterfactual prediction for a patient with \(Y=Y_1=15\). This is a patient with a relatively large ‘residual’, the outcome is 2 standard deviations above the mean for treatment group \(t=1\).

First we calculate the counterfactual outcome under a wrong outcome model. Researchers tried to model the outcomes using linear regression, and failed to appreciate the difference in variances between the two treatment arms (heteroscedasticity). Assuming a large sample, they will arrive at a model:

\[\hat{y}_{\text{wrong}} = 1 + t * 9 + \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2)\]

Where \(\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{0.1^2 + 2.5^2}{2}} \approx 1.77\) (standard devation of mixture of Gaussians with (conditional) mean of 0 and standard deviations 0.1 and 2.5, with 50 / 50 mixing). Note that the estimate of the treatment effect is correct, and so are \(E[Y_0]\) and \(E[Y_1]\). If there was a binary pre-treatment covariate, the conditional average treatment effect could be estimated by repeating this exercise for both levels of the covariate. To calculate the counterfactual outcome of our patient, we first need to determine the value of their noise variable for the outcome. According to \(\hat{y}_{\text{wrong}}\), the residual for a patient with \(Y_1=15\) is \(5\), which is \(5/\sigma \approx 2.82\) standard deviations away from the expected value for \(t=1\). Given this residual we can now calculate the counterfactual:

\[\widehat{E_{\text{wrong}}}[Y_0|Y=15,t=1] \approx E[Y_0] + 2.82 \sigma =6\]

Given that we know the data generating mechanism, we know that this counterfactual prediction is 50 standard deviations from the conditional mean of \(t=0\) in the data generating mechanism, clearly this counterfactual prediction is wrong.

If we did model the data correctly with a mixture of Gaussians indexed by the treatment group, we would instead say that \(Y_1=15\) is 2 standard deviations above the conditional mean, and we would calculate:

\[\widehat{E^*}[Y_0|Y=15,t=1] = E[Y_0] + 2 * 0.1 =1.2\]

Which is correct.


To calculate counterfactual predictions, you need to correctly specify the structural equations. For treatment recommendations for future patients, these are not needed, interventional estimates (conditional average treatment effect) are sufficient, and obviously the factual outcome is not observed yet so it is impossible to calculate counterfactuals (the factual is not yet known).

Post-script: for ‘real’ patient counsellling the expected values under the treatments would generally not suffice, some measure of spread / uncertainty would be required. Ideally, one would learn the distribution of the potential outcomes.


BibTeX citation:
  author = {van Amsterdam, Wouter},
  title = {The Difference Between Intervention and Counterfactuals},
  date = {2021-07-25},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Amsterdam, Wouter van. 2021. “The Difference Between Intervention and Counterfactuals.” July 25, 2021.